Sunday, March 22, 2015

active and open rebellion

 The gop congress basically told the states to not obey federal question comes to mind ,why? is the answer..the billionaire agenda...all politicians must answer to them.the gop does more so than Democrats,but money is the problem...the billionaire agenda is this..#1 do away with the Federal government...rule by state..why?...states are smaller,easier to control...most states are dependent on federal dollars,do away with that,they will do whatever you want.#2.. population control...even Oprah Winfrey has been reported to have been in on this idea...kill off those whom do not support the initiatives...through,making cheap foods more expensive...a.k,a..the "organic movement"anyone with a brain will tell you...they need bees to thrive,bees move between farms cross pollination...there is no way to say something is without human growth hormones,pesticides,some of this farms products are less appealing in taste then no organic....#3 stop people from eating will tell you man evolved to eat meat...that jump helped his brain become larger....while the rich tell you its bad...they will eat what they want..#4 control the a far extent they already do.if they decide a new businesses could threaten their empire,they will use all kinds of unfair practices to put them out of is supposed to be illegal,but i seriously doubt the government in its current state would object....#5 put the masses in a dream like state by controlling what they hear,and see...this is already a reality...most people do not see it..every tv station,news paper,online entertainment,is owned by a see what they want,you hear what they want....
  So,we are st the cross roads....will America survive capitalism ,and an open rebellion by republicans?i doubt it.the gop has been brain washing people to love the old ideas...racism,sexism, church is in bed with the politicians...we were warned in the 50`s..if the christian "conservatives"take control,this will become a nightmare scenario....we knew......and yet,here we are.

Friday, February 27, 2015


For all the chest thumping,trash talking here we are year seven.... so now that the GOP has complete control has anything in there bag of tricks changed?no.... they still are not doing anything...they still sit on there behinds getting paid .there only way of governing-shutdown. they now threaten to shutdown the dept. of homeland security....and of all times when Isis,al queda is threatening to attack America malls....are these guys serious?are they actually willing to take the risk that if something happens Americans will be to dumb to put the two together?is bohner mentally ill?they now say Obama actions were was it illegal when bush,Regan did the exact same thing?....and here we go again...lets get rid of obamacare....even though it is actually doing everything it promised in states that allow has lowered cost,and has caused a hiring boom...except in die hard gop tea party states which tie the system down...why?the gop and the tea party are in the pockets of the Koch brothers...and they can not allow there cash cow..big be tamed....if people who back the gop are still so blind they can not see there party as racist,sexist old men...even after all the racist,sexist comments there leaders have said..then they do not want to see the truth...yes,i will admit the democrats have problems,but they are better than the gop.then there is Jeb Bush...when asked would he be willing to start another war...he said he would...when pressed about the other two "bush wars" he said he would be willing to start a third bush war....the last thing we need is another bush lad.