Unless you have been hiding under a rock,you have heard there is a growing suspicion by any Americans over the trump Russian ties.but in the last couple of days ,some truly disturbing things have happened.first sally Yates testified before the congressional hearings and dropped several huge bombshells.one...that the Obama administration warned trump about Micheal Flynn and that he could easily be blackmailed and he should not be given any job with nation security clearance.then,that she herself warned trump three different times about Flynn,then it took three weeks before trump fired him....and this only happened after the press got wind of Flynn vulnerability....two..that Russia has transcripts and may use them to blackmail the white house at anytime...these are some truly eye opening things....no other president in the history of the united states has been under suspicion of having foreign agents in its cabinet,but to have as many as trump,is monumental.
Then,an even more suspicious and baffling action was taken by the white house...they fired comney the director of the FBI.and the reasoning behind it is well...laughable...this has ignited a lot of theories that comney and the investigation was getting to close.the FBI had just issued new warrants of trumps dealings with Russia business.there seems to be a pattern.anyone who even considers trump for investigation gets fired.there is plenty of smoke around the Russia trump scandal.and it smells of Watergate.and the firing of comney brings back echos of Watergate.
Trumps surrogates have made their rounds saying the investigation is a false claim...and a waste of tax payer dollars.which many...including myself,find funny.look how much time they took looking into Benghazi.....look at all the time took into Hillary`s e-mails...but lets not look into what really smells of treason?why the sudden change of heart in defending our constitution?it smells of republican conspiracy to hide the Russian connection,,,and the more we learn,the more republicans are implicated.
WE here in America must take a gut check.are we willing to allow what may be a Russian network in thee highest offices?are we willing to allow Russia to pull the strings?
But this is what i see is more troublesome....the arresting of reporters for asking tough questions....this is straight out of a dictators handbook.the attack on the first amendment.with out it,all the other rights are meaning less.
we must stand up and demand a fair and honest investigation...free from trumps meddling our he will be seen as illegitimate no matter what.