MY my my....funny how things come around....last year at this time trump and company were yelling lock her up over hillary`s,we have the top brass of the trump administration on record foaming at the mouth for russian assistance in helping get the orange dictatior elected.and we are supposed to believe the lieing trump administration that nothing came out of this meeting.and we are supposed to believe that trump sr knew nothing about the meeting.yeah,and unicorns are real.
But we all know that even with this revelation the cult followers will believe every fairy tale there gods tell them.and it is pathetic.this e-mails show that the trump administration was collaborating with Russia.and i guarantee you he said he would drop tariffs imposed by Obama.this is treason.Russia is our enemy.regardless what people think.and the fact a man running for president has gone through more than a year lying about he and his team talking and collaborating with Russia is more proof of how much of a puppet he really is.
then in other republican we do not care about America news.....the repeal push continues...they want to kick twenty two million off health care.and they want us to buy not about health is a tax cut for the rich.this is all the trump administration is going to be about.getting the best deals for the ultra rich.if you go into the details,there will be no help for the working class...but the rich,they will get history busting tax cuts.they need to raise the debt ceiling.they went as far as shutting the government down saying we need a balanced budget when Obama was in office and said we need to stop raising the debt.but yet,once president,raising the debt...proving they do not care about a balanced budget.
then,we need to pour more money into the military budget at the expense of everything else.why is it there is always money for wars and the military but nothing else?the department of defense takes up a whopping 70% of our government spending.....yes that is right .and it needs more?no,it needs to spend wiser.stop buying aircraft that do not work.we need our roads bridges and infrastructure is crumbling .we need to fund education and health care.we can not keep giving every cent we get to a out of control military industrial complex,the nation is crumbling because of this obsession with war.