Saturday, February 24, 2018

the nra and the gop has the blood of innocents on their hands

 we all seen the tragedy. we all know the faces. but what is going on now is even worse. the GOP and the NRA have set out to discredit these kids who were targeted. and are trying to get Americans to forget it was president trump who signed a bill that allowed mentally ill people to own guns.
 they are blocking any kind of gun safety bill. they will be the cause of the next great American tragedy. they blocked the bump stop bill....which turns normal guns into automatic weapons.... they applauded trump signing his bill rolling back Obama's ban on the mentally ill owning a gun.they will not ban assault weapons...they will not limit ammo clips.why? the NRA is why.
 the NRA was formed to teach gun safety to the masses. but instead has become twisted by the fact it has money pouring in from gun is no longer about safety...of hunters... itis about the ammosexuals. it is about the mega gun collectors...the alt-right pushed the lie Obama was coming for your guns... it is a terrorist organization.what else would you call an organization that puts money over the lives of kids?
  now they are pushing the idea of the good guy with a gun theory.the only problem... this has been proved false in several different attacks.... including the latest. there were four sheriff deputies that were armed who did not go in to confront the there is the proof that the good guy with a gun theory is insane.but, the GOP who is deep in the pockets of the NRA is going head first with this idea.... and what will happen when a teacher accidentally or purposely kills an innocent kid? .... the NRA will push to allow kids to bring there own guns to school of course...because it is not about safety... it is about money.
 so how do we stop this madness? boycott anyone doing business with the NRA until the NRA snaps back from its one wants to ban guns altogether. but weapons of war have no business in the hands of civilians. and kids do not need to own them.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

the tragedy of parkland

 yesterday we had another school shooting. and of course the thoughts and prayers line got thrown around. and then the other line that comes from the gop.... it is to early to talk about gun laws... we need to respect those victims...
 I call bull shit. you do not care. the nra,which took money from russia in 2016... owns your soul.this is not about banning is not about your right to bear arms. it is the fact the nra and the gop has made it so easy to get a gun that a known mental patient ent and bought a ar-15 and several magazines.AND IT WAS LEGAL.
 it is about the fact in las vegas the perpatratior used a bumb stop.which turns a normal rifle into a automatic....once again...nothing to do with your right to bear arms.
the concealed carry and open carry laws..... that allow to many people with questinable backgrounds to get weapons.
 the fact the nra is pushing for anyone to have the right to own silencers.... god if this maniac had one of them on his riffle.the dead count would be a lot bigger.
  many vets get on the internet and say guns like a ak-47 and a ar-15 have no buiessness being in the hands of civilians. these are weapons of war. why are people obsessed with these two?especially the maniacs?and why would we need one?
 this is the simple argument for senciable gun laws. but the nra does not care. it is happy...everytime there is a mass shooting,sales of guns jump. it is good for buiesness. it is not about the second amendment... it is about money.congress feruses to talk about meaningful gun laws because tens of millions of dollars have been paid to individual congress memebers.and it is simple to have meaningful gunlaws. most gun owners want them.... and we need right to own a gun does not trump a kids right to is not politicizing the tragedy. it is honoring it. lets do something instead of waiting for the next massacre.our leaders will not talk about laws for gun owners. we need to force them to our vote them out.