Friday, September 28, 2018

grief and the darknes after

we all hear the old saying life will go on... well.. my father died suddenly almost two years ago.... I remember my mom getting the call at ten o` clock at night. and I remember before she ever hung up the phone... I knew.and I went into what can best be described as shock. as with most deaths... I had to go the next day to make funeral plans. and I have to say this.... the funeral homes take advantage of the fact you are not really able to was surreal... talking about him being dead, and yet, my mind refused the very idea... it was thought it was a very bad dream. as I left, I was trying very hard to be brave for my sixty-five-year-old mother who just lost her husband of nearly forty-five years. when I got home, I went to my room... and all the weight of the fact my best friend has gone hit me.... I cried like a small child... I wanted my are raised to not show their emotions, and we by doing so... put a handicap on them. we are human, we have father never showed emotion... even though I knew he loved us. I remember my last words to him the day before....
   after the immediate death, there is always the crowd of well-wishers.... but with my father voice in my head, all I could think was ...why are you here? you did not care about him.... you never visited. and I do not want your pity. so,then comes the ceremonial funeral...... all these people dressed to a tee.... and all the "I am sorry for your loss" not get me wrong,some are really sincere... but,there are others who the death means absolutely I stood there, looking at what know was my fathers resting place, I wanted to dig my way in there. if my heart could have would have sunk from my body into the eath...
  after the ceremony.. you are alone... no one comes..they may call, or leave messages...but, it is just you in a house that is now for all pratical purposes..haunted.everywhere you look,,, your mind's eye sees them.m y mom cried for months.... I think I stayed in shock for three months.. I did not cry during that time... then, on my birthday... I became a blubbering crybaby... everything sent me to crying so. as i said,they say life will go on..... but,it will never be the same. give yourself time. allow yourself to be human.... and no..grief has no time limit... as my birthday approches... i find a dark cloud gathering around me...and grief is clouding a lot of my judgement....also remeber... you are not alone in grief.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

the nra and the gop has the blood of innocents on their hands

 we all seen the tragedy. we all know the faces. but what is going on now is even worse. the GOP and the NRA have set out to discredit these kids who were targeted. and are trying to get Americans to forget it was president trump who signed a bill that allowed mentally ill people to own guns.
 they are blocking any kind of gun safety bill. they will be the cause of the next great American tragedy. they blocked the bump stop bill....which turns normal guns into automatic weapons.... they applauded trump signing his bill rolling back Obama's ban on the mentally ill owning a gun.they will not ban assault weapons...they will not limit ammo clips.why? the NRA is why.
 the NRA was formed to teach gun safety to the masses. but instead has become twisted by the fact it has money pouring in from gun is no longer about safety...of hunters... itis about the ammosexuals. it is about the mega gun collectors...the alt-right pushed the lie Obama was coming for your guns... it is a terrorist organization.what else would you call an organization that puts money over the lives of kids?
  now they are pushing the idea of the good guy with a gun theory.the only problem... this has been proved false in several different attacks.... including the latest. there were four sheriff deputies that were armed who did not go in to confront the there is the proof that the good guy with a gun theory is insane.but, the GOP who is deep in the pockets of the NRA is going head first with this idea.... and what will happen when a teacher accidentally or purposely kills an innocent kid? .... the NRA will push to allow kids to bring there own guns to school of course...because it is not about safety... it is about money.
 so how do we stop this madness? boycott anyone doing business with the NRA until the NRA snaps back from its one wants to ban guns altogether. but weapons of war have no business in the hands of civilians. and kids do not need to own them.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

the tragedy of parkland

 yesterday we had another school shooting. and of course the thoughts and prayers line got thrown around. and then the other line that comes from the gop.... it is to early to talk about gun laws... we need to respect those victims...
 I call bull shit. you do not care. the nra,which took money from russia in 2016... owns your soul.this is not about banning is not about your right to bear arms. it is the fact the nra and the gop has made it so easy to get a gun that a known mental patient ent and bought a ar-15 and several magazines.AND IT WAS LEGAL.
 it is about the fact in las vegas the perpatratior used a bumb stop.which turns a normal rifle into a automatic....once again...nothing to do with your right to bear arms.
the concealed carry and open carry laws..... that allow to many people with questinable backgrounds to get weapons.
 the fact the nra is pushing for anyone to have the right to own silencers.... god if this maniac had one of them on his riffle.the dead count would be a lot bigger.
  many vets get on the internet and say guns like a ak-47 and a ar-15 have no buiessness being in the hands of civilians. these are weapons of war. why are people obsessed with these two?especially the maniacs?and why would we need one?
 this is the simple argument for senciable gun laws. but the nra does not care. it is happy...everytime there is a mass shooting,sales of guns jump. it is good for buiesness. it is not about the second amendment... it is about money.congress feruses to talk about meaningful gun laws because tens of millions of dollars have been paid to individual congress memebers.and it is simple to have meaningful gunlaws. most gun owners want them.... and we need right to own a gun does not trump a kids right to is not politicizing the tragedy. it is honoring it. lets do something instead of waiting for the next massacre.our leaders will not talk about laws for gun owners. we need to force them to our vote them out.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


 MY my my....funny how things come around....last year at this time trump and company were yelling lock her up over hillary`s,we have the top brass of the trump administration on record foaming at the mouth for russian assistance in helping get the orange dictatior elected.and we are supposed to believe the lieing trump administration that nothing came out of this meeting.and we are supposed to believe that trump sr knew nothing about the meeting.yeah,and unicorns are real.
  But we all know that even with this revelation the cult followers will believe every fairy tale there gods tell them.and it is pathetic.this e-mails show that the trump administration was collaborating with Russia.and i guarantee you he said he would drop tariffs imposed by Obama.this is treason.Russia is our enemy.regardless what people think.and the fact a man running for president has gone through more than a year lying about he and his team talking and collaborating with Russia is more proof of how much of a puppet he really is.
  then in other republican we do not care about America news.....the repeal push continues...they want to kick twenty two million off health care.and they want us to buy not about health is a tax cut for the rich.this is all the trump administration is going to be about.getting the best deals for the ultra rich.if you go into the details,there will be no help for the working class...but the rich,they will get history busting tax cuts.they need to raise the debt ceiling.they went as far as shutting the government down saying we need a balanced budget when Obama was in office  and said we need to stop raising the debt.but yet,once president,raising the debt...proving they do not care about a balanced budget.
 then,we need to pour more money into the military budget at the expense of everything else.why is it there is always money for wars and the military but nothing else?the department of defense takes up a whopping 70% of our government spending.....yes that is right .and it needs more?no,it needs to spend wiser.stop buying aircraft that do not work.we need our roads bridges and infrastructure is crumbling .we need to fund education and health care.we can not keep giving every cent we get to a out of control military industrial complex,the nation is crumbling because of this obsession with war.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Unless you have been hiding under a rock,you have heard there is a growing suspicion by any Americans over the trump Russian ties.but in the last couple of days ,some truly disturbing things have happened.first sally Yates testified before the congressional hearings and dropped several huge the Obama administration warned trump about Micheal Flynn and that he could easily be blackmailed and he should not be given any job with nation security clearance.then,that she herself warned trump three different times about Flynn,then it took three weeks before trump fired him....and this only happened after the press got wind of Flynn vulnerability....two..that Russia has transcripts and may use them to blackmail the white house at anytime...these are some truly eye opening other president in the history of the united states has been under suspicion of having foreign agents in its cabinet,but to have as many as trump,is monumental.
   Then,an even more suspicious and baffling action was taken by the white house...they fired comney the director of the FBI.and the reasoning behind it is well...laughable...this has ignited a lot of theories that comney and the investigation was getting to close.the FBI had just issued new warrants    of trumps dealings with Russia business.there seems to be a pattern.anyone who even considers trump for investigation gets fired.there is plenty of smoke around the Russia trump scandal.and it smells of Watergate.and the firing of comney brings back echos of Watergate.
  Trumps surrogates have made their rounds saying the investigation is a false claim...and a waste of tax payer dollars.which many...including myself,find funny.look how much time they took looking into Benghazi.....look at all the time took into Hillary`s e-mails...but lets not look into what really smells of treason?why the sudden change of heart in defending our constitution?it smells of republican conspiracy to hide the Russian connection,,,and the more we learn,the more republicans are implicated.
  WE here in America must take a gut check.are we willing to allow what may be a Russian network in thee highest offices?are we willing to allow Russia to pull the strings?
  But this is what i see is more troublesome....the arresting of reporters for asking tough questions....this is straight out of a dictators handbook.the attack on the first amendment.with out it,all the other rights are meaning less.
 we must stand up and demand a fair and honest from trumps meddling our he will be seen as illegitimate no matter what.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Donald Trump,populism,and the end of human decency.

 while have the United states may love and support Donald Trump,i do not......he is stands for everything the America i grew up with and love does not.he is for building walls,i believe America should be about bringing walls down both here and abroad.he and his followers want to end obamacare....i think we did not go far enough.we should have universal health should be a basic human right.he and his followers are all for cutting aid to the elderly,disabled,and worse to children.this goes against every decent thing i was attack the weakest among us is is inhuman....and is a kin to was not that long ago i was one of those kids.i did not eat at home,i got my meals from school.and if it had not been for the school lunch program,i would have starved.the problem with a "populist"moment is that it is like a wild does not think things cares not who it hurts,why it has no ability to.rarely have populist actually done anything to help the people that follow it.what this country needs is not a wall.....not a Muslim registry,hate .......we need a return to teaching our kids what they need,not what the populist want.because if the populist had there would only get a fifth grade education,and would work for sweat shops and mines.and our water and air would be poisoned again.
  Donald trump wants to pull out of the united nations.....this i can not get.this has helped the united states in a lot of,it is not perfect....but it has helped us.
  And then their is the out right lies.....that there was wide spread voter fraud...debunked by everyone...but yet,he wants an investigation...why would i believe anything his administration?he has already proven he will lie and use propaganda,and have a paid cheering group follow him....why would his investigation not find what he wants?
   The final blow and death of American decency is torture.THE UNITED STATES SHOULD NEVER USE has been proven over thousands of years to be ineffectual.and what is worse innocent people wind up being tortured.and you do not make things better,you make them worse.we are not the Nazis,we are not the soviet union or Russia.....we have always stood for human decency.i hope we come to our senses.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

bias in the fbi and the media against hillary

 When the FBI director went on national tv and said he was investigating Hillary Clintons emails,he violated protocol...and proved just how bias Washington has become.he did it to give his mentor in chief trump a boost......but...there is nothing there....just like there was nothing why now?
  And what is infuriating's is that he also has gone to great lengths to keep from saying what the cia,doj and others have....there is clear evidence of russia trying to influence the election in favor of trum...and he has been queit on the fact the fbi is pprobing trumps campain advisor and some others in his campain for ties with russia.he would not even speak about the fact russia was behind the cyber attacks.....if this does not seeem to be bias,then your are part of the trump cult.
  Then there is the media bias.....all you hear is Clinton's e-mail......nothing about the fact trump is going to go to court for bribery....or the fact he has multiple fraud cases pending....or how he is accused of taking part in a sick gang rape of a thirteen year old girl......the media remains silent....
  and yet republicans accuse people like me of not caring about this country...that we put a party of the nation's best intrest....funny.with their nominee getting money from russia...he is the benefactor of the Russian attacks....he is the benefactor of keeping secret his ties to russia...and keeping the fact he is not a good businessman ...and the fact he is a pedophile....yeah...i am the one not thinking about our nation.