Sunday, November 23, 2014

good old days.

  What the political parties want you to forget, and so would all the wealth is the fact that every since this country became independent there has been some type of corruption. Politician who are only out for themselves, or corporate money buying leader's. It has been the virus that has threatened this nation. From the concept of our constitution the wealthy hated it.they wanted it to be like England. And they made it know,they bought leader's and yes presidents.some of the earliest political cartoons speak of this.and the poor have always felt left was not until Teddy Roosevelt that a president took on the plight of the poor.and he made enemies of Rockefeller and several other baron's but it was needed.the working conditions were hell.child labour,sweatshops. The average. American family went hungry.but what is different now is the wholesale selloff of America. The supreme court in America is a has given company rights.our forefathers would never allowed this. Travesty.our senators and representative are on the company payroll. And until this stops,america can never be free when we bow to the barons in the balcony.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Executive orders/immigration

 Everyday on the news,internet you here some republican whining that president Obama is abusing his power by way of executive orders.If this is true,why did not the republican majority say the same about the republican messiah Ronald Reagan? He issued nearly three times as many executive orders as Obama... and several were on guess what gopers... immigration.and yet,all these whine republicans hold him up as a perfect president.then ,there is the constant republican name calling.i had some respect for the gop until they became a classroom full of babies.whom instead of working decide name calling was better.i mean really... anyone whom has tried to have a grown up conversation with a republican on the internet or tv ends up listening to a child throwing a fit and calling people names.then there is the ignorance.... a socialist,fascist.... if you do not know how a type of government works,shut up.if this is a socialist state,then George bush ran a damn dictatorship.
   and here is the reason the gop is blowing so much smoke.... they can not even pass a bill they want passed.they are so dysfunctional and scared someone might say the president worked with congress to get a bill passed that they will not let anything pass.they do not even the now going on seven years Obama has been president,the gop has not done anything.unless you count the fact they shut the government down in a fit.of cutting veterans benefits.or maybe the three hundred times they tried to repeal obamacare or had meetings on Benghazi. they can not lead.
  if bohner wants to do something.why does he not force his fellow republicans to actually and try to pass comprehensive immigration.if he is so mad he wets his pants ,then do something.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Congress is falling all over themselves to get out of Washington.

 It is a sad sate.we have a country in crises.a possible war,and terrorist threats.we need a real budget... corporate reform..... and yet,congress spends over 200 days a year out.and when they are in a group makes it to where they are useless... what good is congress?if war,economic problems are not enough to keep them in what is?they no longer do as the people wish,they do what the corporations wish...and then bam....they are on vacation touting what they have accomplished...
 This is a national disgrace.the founding fathers would give them a tongue lashing that would last for days... taking corporate money,bribes in essence,... doing nothing.... i can see Thomas Jefferson standing there saying you are not worthy of this privileged... these people have no worries... they will get re elected. no term limits,Jerry rigged districts.... no matter what they are set.we as Americans need to demand better ...

Monday, June 16, 2014

the problem with the prisions in america.

 the united states has more people in jail than any other country.and we are failing to protect our own what do we do?number one,get business out of makes it into a slavery system.we find you guilty in order to fill a order.and put you in a private prison where the inmates are not protected,and they have the worst record for murders,and violence.they use the inmate to make is a cash for inmates....the county where i was born has been on national television for having a school to prison policy...and has not changed.some say it is worse.what kind of people do that?and question then becomes has our judiciary system become so corrupted by money that it no longer matters if your innocent?case and point....a 38 year old man follows a woman and her son from one store to another.....then attacks her 34 year old son....then he attacks this 65 year old woman who is disabled....the police arrest him.then,he files charges on her and her son,, the hearing the police testify,the clerk testifies...the man hired someone to say he did nothing.all that were there said this man was not present.....the judge decides to find the 65 year old woman who did nothing guilty of assault,the son guilty of,here is the ringer,he decides the man who stalked them not guilty of attacking the disabled woman,but guilty of attacking her son....and makes the woman go on probation for 6 months,which means,she had to pay hundreds of dollars in probation fees....even the probation officer that watched it could not believe the,are they finding people guilty just to make the state more money?and if you cannot pay the fees,you end up in jail,then back on probation,racking up more fees...the truth is plain to see,we have a judiciary system geared to make money for the state...and your guilt or innocence is not the overriding factor,money is.then,there is the double standard.poor people are getting harsher sentences then rich.the rich rarely do actual jail time for something a poorer person would get years for.once again,money talks....we need to get together and demand equal justice.a rich man raped a child and never,never went to the hell can that judge say that was justice?but if it had been a poor man,he would be in jail for life,righteously so.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

why the recent SCOTUS ruling on campain finance should not surprise you

 A lot has been made of yesterdays ruling by the scouts saying anyone can give as much as they want to whomever whenever they want,but think on it....why is it a surprise they would not agree?the scotus is the only court allowed to essentially take bribes on things before the court...such as vacations can be given anything ,name it,they can have,and it is go before them against one of these big shots,you have no chance,what can you offer?legal briefings?please lady justice may be blind,but she knows the smell and sound of money.and that`s why,corporations now have rights.because money is the new puppet master,and our government is just a hand no longer even surprises me that when you say something like this to some republicans ,they say you are just rich bashing,no....i do not care ,as long as they pay there part,and have the same rights as me.but lets face it they do not pay,and they have a different set of it should not surprise you.nor should it when we no longer are allowed to elect government officials,when one gets appointed a king.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Injustice-stand your ground law ,and the "thug music"trial

 A man hears loud music,he does not like the music.also he is a racist,he goes over confronts some teens in a car.when he can not get them to do what he wants,and after feeling like he was "disrespected"he shoots into the car with three teens.
  Now,lets pause this....these kids were doing what i also was guilty of at that age,...playing music loud.and i am sure some of my neighbors did not like hearing Ozzy Osbourne,Metallica,etc ..but they never came at me and shot at me with a damn gun.and they would have been arrested,and put in jail no questions,the question is why is it now ok that this man not only shot at these boys,but killed one?
  Then there is the verdict.guilty on two counts of attempted murder,and not guilty of the killing of one of the the hell do you logic that?if he was guilty of trying to kill two boys who were in the damn car with the one he killed ,how is he not guilty of the killing of that one?then there is the stand your ground,or what i call the liscence to kill ,law.all you have to do if you do not like someone is provoke them,then shoot.and yet,when it is a black man,doing the same thing,it is murder.and the big fox news people have the nerve to say this law is not racist.bull.we as a nation have become a bunch of scared little kids.

Monday, January 20, 2014

the high court says we have to pay for inmate sex change.

 Once again the high court sticks it to the taxpayer.a man kills his wife,gets convicted of murder,then sues for a sex change.and what is amazing wins!it is not cruel and unusual punishment.he was born a man.he is a man.i know the argument,but he is not entitled to have a surgery if he is not in danger of his life.the court has swung so far that we know have to do elective surgery?whats next?breast implants?liposuction?when does the taxpayer have the right to say,i can not afford it ,and i working ,so why is it a convict has the absolute right?if they do then everyone has the right to have the state pay for any surgery,elective or other.this is ridiculous.we have people trying to make sure universal health care never happens,so why is it a right to have an elective sex change?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

executive action,And the gop continuing to desmantel the empa.

 the gop has got the supreme court in on something that every president has done.....appointing people while the congress is out.all have done it,but because of all the hate and bitterness the gop has they are going to make an example.good.this means when they get in power,they will not be able to pack the bench and fill up with their cronies.
  Then we get to recent problems,like the one that many in WV are dealing with.the fact the empa no longer has any authority to protect us from companies and there reckless actions.this was just waiting to happen.decapitated holding facilities,and is just big business does not care.and their gop friends are continuing to gut the empa.when they do,we will all be in trouble.