Friday, September 19, 2014

Congress is falling all over themselves to get out of Washington.

 It is a sad sate.we have a country in crises.a possible war,and terrorist threats.we need a real budget... corporate reform..... and yet,congress spends over 200 days a year out.and when they are in a group makes it to where they are useless... what good is congress?if war,economic problems are not enough to keep them in what is?they no longer do as the people wish,they do what the corporations wish...and then bam....they are on vacation touting what they have accomplished...
 This is a national disgrace.the founding fathers would give them a tongue lashing that would last for days... taking corporate money,bribes in essence,... doing nothing.... i can see Thomas Jefferson standing there saying you are not worthy of this privileged... these people have no worries... they will get re elected. no term limits,Jerry rigged districts.... no matter what they are set.we as Americans need to demand better ...